Saturday, November 8, 2014

My Imaginary World

It's been several years since I created something crazy with Keri Smith's book titled, Mess: The Manual of Accidents and MistakesHer book was SO MUCH FUN and I always hoped to start another one. Just recently, The Imaginary World of (fill in your name) was published. So...I bought it!

Today I did the first project! To get started in the book, I needed to record some of my favorite things...books, weather, artists, landforms, and so on. I completely filled the page in a short amount of time. After I recorded my favorites, I spent some time just doodling on the page. I had some new colored pens that I wanted to use and couldn't resist brightening the page!

Building the database for my future Imaginary World.....

I decided to personalize the front cover by using collage and and a few Posca Pens.

I couldn't resist decorating the cover with my Posca Pens!

I'm looking forward to creating and exploring MY IMAGINARY WORLD!!